BodorHUB supports viewing and exporting device operation logs, reports, and operation statistics. It supports the collection of 34 types of cutting parameters and fully monitors cutting device information.
HUB has the function of recording and statistically tracking cutting data in real-time, with cutting parameters clear and concise. The graphical interface is user-friendly and optimized, with all data visible in real-time at a glance.
Types of Cutting Parameters Collected
Real-Time Alarm Monitoring
HUB supports HTTP protocol for integration with third-party systems, making it simple and fast. The system provides detailed integration examples and instant device information viewing, including rotation speed, status, coordinates, etc. Data transmission of BodorHUB is safe and reliable.
Device cutting reports are stored in real-time. With privatized deployment, data is secure and reliable, and easy to extract.
This feature helps customers freely circulate cutting data, bridging the gaps between different systems and connecting them.
This feature monitors the status of the equipment in real-time, including X, Y, Z-axis coordinates and cutting statistics.