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Four factors affecting the cutting precision of laser cutting machine

Industry News

  Four factors affecting the cutting precision of laser cutting machine

  We confirm a laser cutting machine manufacturer is excellent, the cutting precision is the first standard. Therefore, how to confirm the cutting precision whether qualified will be from the following four factors considered

 1, the size of the laser coagulation of the laser generator. If the spot is very small, the cutting accuracy is very high, and if the gap is very small after cutting. It shows that the precision of laser cutting machine is very high, and the quality is very high.

 2, the accuracy of the working table. If the accuracy of the working table is very high, then the accuracy of the cutting will be improved. Therefore, the precision of the working table is also a very important factor to measure the accuracy of the laser generator.

 3, laser beam condensed into a cone. When cutting, the laser beam is to taper down, when the thickness of the workpiece cutting is very large, cutting accuracy will be reduced, cut out the gap will be very large.

 4, cutting the material is different, also will affect the precision of the laser cutting machine. In the same case, the cutting of stainless steel and aluminum will be very different accuracy, stainless steel cutting accuracy will be higher, and the section will be smooth.


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